Laser Hair Removal

Laser Hair Removal with the Candela GentleMax Pro

“21st Century State of the Art Technology”

Laser hair removal is an innovative laser treatment that is performed to get rid of unwanted hair in any part of the body except the eyelids and the area surrounding them. Using precise laser technology, this treatment is capable of targeting specific areas of the body without affecting the surrounding skin.

Laser treatment is often recommended when standard methods such as waxing, tweezing, and shaving do not give you the desired results.

The Gold Standard Gentle Hair Removal™ – for All Skin Types

Radiance is proud to offer the latest in laser technology for hair removal – the Candela GentleMax Pro.

It is a state-of-the-art technology that allows for all skin types to be treated including darker skin tones. GentleMax Pro can treat the face, arms, chest, back, legs, bikini, and full “Brazilian” area with little or no downtime. This new dual-wavelength laser (Alex 755 nm and Nd Yag 1064 nm) makes treatment faster and more effective.

GentleMax Pro has a unique cryo-spray mechanism that increases patient comfort with a cold blast of cryogen every time the laser is pulsed, making laser hair removal with the GentleMax Pro more tolerable than machines of the past. There are no messy gels, no multiple passes over and over the skin, downtime is minimal, and treatment time quicker and more efficient than ever before.

How Many Treatments Are Needed?

The number of treatments varies depending on every individual, but a series of 5 treatments, spaced every 6-8 weeks, is what Radiance recommends. Maintenance treatments may be needed after the series is completed to keep the area hair-free.

While the laser can be used on any skin, it is effective on dark hair only. Blond, gray, light red hair (strawberry blond with no brown overtones), and peach fuzz (vellus hair) will be unaffected by laser treatments. It is also imperative that regardless of your skin tone, you must NOT have tanned skin of any sort in the treatment area, including a spray tan. This will hinder the machine from doing the job correctly and may cause discoloration to your skin.

Preparation before your Laser Hair Removal Treatment:

Before undergoing laser hair removal, you will first need to schedule a consultation. During this time, we will perform an assessment of your body and develop a treatment plan to address your specific needs. We will also provide you with instructions to follow in the time leading up to your procedure. Do not wax, tweeze, or use depilatories on your hair prior to treatment because this will remove the target pigmentation in the hair follicle.

You can shave up until the day of the laser treatment. Do not use retinoid creams (tretinoin, tazarotene, or adapalene) in the treatment area for at least several days before treatment.

When to Expect Results

The speed of results varies from patient to patient. Some may see an immediate result while some may see results after weeks. Hair is reduced by 10% -25% after the first treatment. Most people need 2 to 6 treatments for desired results.

The treated area does not show any hair growth for several months to years. Even when hair grows, it tends to be less. You will need maintenance laser treatments to keep the treated area hair-free.

Contact Our Office

Laser hair removal is an excellent treatment option for those dealing with excess hair in different parts of the body. If you’re interested in learning more, call Radiance and ask to speak to a laser or skincare specialist and we’d be happy to consult with you over the phone to begin your laser hair removal as soon as possible.